Wednesday, March 13, 2013

iPad Workflow

When using iPads or iDevices, a teacher will be looking for apps that can replace what is done on a computer. The workflow is significantly different when trying to find the right app for the job at hand.

This list of apps that match what a teacher wants to accomplish is very handy. The list is from:

iPad Learning Objectives
  1. I want my students to record and edit video on their iPad. 
  2. I want my students to record and / or edit audio on their iPad. 
  3. I want my students to read class content on their iPad. 
  4. I want my students to annotate course readings on their iPad 
  5. I want my students to be able to read audio books on their iPad. 
  6. I want my students to use iPads as a digitial notebooks / note-taking devices. 
  7. I want my students to use iPads to share and demonstrate their understanding through screencastsscr.
  8. I want my students to create presentations on their iPads. 
  9. I want my students to create digital stories on iPad. 
  10. I want my students to be able to study with iPad. 
  11. I want to use the iPad as a student response system. 
  12. I want my students to create written content on their iPad. 
  13. I want my students to blog on their iPad.
  14. I want my students to create ePubs / iBooks to read on their iPad.
  15. I want my students to create and edit images on the iPad.
  16. I want to use the iPad in order to create a language lab environment for my students.
  17. I want my students to use the iPad to stay organized.
  18. I want to use the iPad to conduct video / virtual conferences in the classroom
  19. I want to control my computer or Interactive White Board from my iPad.

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