Saturday, April 28, 2012

A conversation about Vision...

I had a conversation with some other educational professionals a couple days ago about what the goals, direction and vision of what a tech department should be like. I feel like I didn't give a good explanation of what I thought at the time so here goes for a better explanation...

What do I envision for a Tech Department? In looking at the ISTE Standards, a tech department should probably model elements of those standards. Listing some key descriptive words would help clarify my thoughts on this topic. Some are clichés and catch-phrases that may be overused, but they do capture the spirit of the type of department I want to be involved in.

  • Dynamic:  Creative and Innovative. Something is always happening. New ideas are being shared, projects are being worked on, in order to improve the integration strategies, school systems and knowledge of the school. 
  • Goal-Driven: Goals are clear and defined. Steps are defined to solve problems. These are based on the schools Mission and Philosophy, and what the overall goals/objectives are for the school (usually from an accreditation report). 
  • Collaborative:  Communication is key. There is a culture of working with others and not in isolation. Ideas are being shared amongst the members of the department and with the rest of the school. We are team players and we reflect and share to become better.
  • Engaged: Actively model good practices and work with other departments and students to assist and help integrate. 
  • Appropriate: Tech is not integrated for techs-sake. It is integrated where appropriate. Sometimes the best technology is a pencil...
  • Research based and Data-Driven: We are critical thinkers that base decisions and best practices on research. Decisions and new programs are not just adopted willy-nilly. Time is spent to research effectiveness
  • Helpful: No one will want assistance if we are not helpful
  • Responsible and Ethical: We model appropriate use of technology
This is all I have for now...


I have read about TPACK in the past, but not SAMR, as approaches to tech integration. I came across an article in which mentioned SAMR and it piqued my interest to follow up. SAMR was developed by Mr. Rueben R Puentadura, an educational technology specialist, and he has some great information and explanation of these two approaches on his blog at: 

TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) attempts to identify the nature of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching, while addressing the complex, multifaceted and situated nature of teacher knowledge. At the heart of the TPACK framework, is the complex interplay of three primary forms of knowledge: Content (CK), Pedagogy (PK), and Technology (TK). See Figure below. As must be clear, the TPACK framework builds on Shulman’s idea of Pedagogical Content Knowledge.

SAMR is: a model designed to help educators integrate technology into teaching and learning , was developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura.  The model aims to enable teachers to design, develop, and integrate digital learning experiences that utilize technology to transform learning experiences to lead to high levels of  achievement for students.

Reading about TPACK and SAMR was a good reminder and refresher of how to approach tech integration from a pedagogical standpoint.