I had an interesting system of coordinating tech integration at a school, presented to me today. I had been thinking that having one tech integrator/coordinator at each division would be ideal. But maybe a better method is to give a stipend or release time to a person in each subject department area, and make them a Tech Coach. Then have one main tech integrator (maybe one main one in elementary, and one for MS/HS), who would then regularly meet with these "coaches" to help with their individual integration efforts. This would give more ownership to the staff to ensure tech integration is occurring, and someone would always be at the team/department meetings to make sure that tech integration is being talked about. These people would also have their fingers on the pulse of the other staff on other items, and could be a Tech Advisory Council (TAC) on issues such as 1-1, software/hardware purchases, and the school tech plan. If they were given release time, then they could be helping other teachers as well. It would look great on their resume...Hmmm....